USB Side Thumb Remote Tutorial

If you have a side thumb remote attachable to your hand remote by way of usb, read the following:

Pitfall #1: Do not attach or use your side thumb when you intend to use Up5 Down5 (red and green buttons)

Pitfall #2: Remember which mode your hand remote is in. check max amps in dial mode to jog your memory)

To get into side thumb mode, make sure you are in three turn dial mode, attach your side thumb, clip both loops together, and turn your thumb dial all the way up. It will say “SIDE THUMB OK!”

Now, your main dial is deactivated and your buttons have the possible functions:

1) green button hold with the main dial not max is hotstart

2) main dial at minimum then pressing both buttons kicks you out of side thumb mode (back in I guess if you side thumb is on and left all the way up)

3) main dial max and ““holding”” red lets you set your max amps on the side thumb only

4) main dial min and ““holding”” green lets you set your min amps on the side thumb only

PROTIP #1: If the side thumb min and max are opposite of what you would like, you can set min during red max hold, and set max during green min hold.

PROTIP #2: If you have a second mode, second calibration enabled, to flip calibrations, your main remote dial must be in the max position during hand remote startup. Otherwise, it will remain in the previous mode

The Wizard of Rod