Software On Off

In the most recent hand remotes released after Jan. 1 , 2020, a person will be able to turn off and subsequently on their hand remote without the use of the black clickable on/off switch. The on/off switch is protected by a black membrane which is sensitive to temperatures. the colder it is, the harder to press it. The master on/off switch best scenario is you click it on “once” and leave it be. On older ones, youll need to click this off and on to access the authorize which lets you calibrate. recently, you can access authorize which lets you enter calbration by performing a software on and hold the green button while the screen scrolls “awake”. But provided its click in the on position, you wont need to use it if you read the following

This means you can turn on your hand remote the traditional way and then do the following:

  1. in normal mode, in dial mode, turn your dial to minimum

  2. hold red then green together and continue to hold

  3. the screen will blink and you will see an increment from left to right in the top row

  4. Note: if the bat symbol shows up, just let go the buttons and retry.

  5. done right it will say “gone to sleep”

  6. to reverse the process, two things can be done:

  7. put the dial max and press red then green together

  8. it will say “Awake”

Note: if you are in up5down5 mode, you will need to sweep the dial to max, then min, repeating until the hand remote kicks both in dial mode, then initiate a software sleep

Note: On March 17, you will be able to software sleep from up5down5 mode, it will however be in dial mode once you awake it.

The Wizard of Rod