Gamechanger Module

Here is everything you need to know about the gamechanger module. 09/26/18

Ensure your hand remote is on for less than thirty seconds and dial near minimum and it will show you in the second column the gamechanger battery when you turn on your gamechanger module.

(Button Stinger Only)To allow it to communicate with the hand remote, ensure the hand remote has been turned on for less than thirty seconds, give you the module twenty seconds after turning on, then press either the red or green button down. that's it.

(Thumb Dial Only) If it is turned on without a thumb dial stinger attachment threaded on, the buttons on it are active and the red is up and the green is down amps.

(Thumb Dial Only) THUMB REMOTE: If your thumb dial attachment is attached upon start up, the module will revert to the rotary thumb dial. then, to authorize it through the hand remote the thumb dial needs to put to minimum. Once authorized through the hand remote, it will stay active provided you leave your hand remote on.

(Thumb Dial Only) THUMB REMOTE AND HOLDING THE TWO BUTTONS DOWN AT STARTUP: reverses the thumb dial to switch hands

REPEATER MODULE If your dial attachment is not attached upon startup, and both buttons are held down at startup for at least ten seconds, the module will act as a repeater until it is shut down. (Do not perform this act until well versed)

(Thumb Dial Only) LOW AMP CONSTRAIN: If your thumb dial attachment is attached upon startup, you may set low amp constrain by holding the green button down. hold the green button down for eight seconds until your hand remote flashes amp change. Continue to hold the green button until your done dialing the thumb remote to a desired amp then let go. It resets on startup.

(Thumb Dial Only) HIGH AMP CONSTRAIN: If your dial attachment is attached upon startup, you may set high amp constrain by holding the red button down. hold the red button down for eight seconds until your hand remote flashes amp change. Continue to hold the red button until your done dialing the thumb remote to a desired amp then let go. It resets on startup.




The Wizard of Rod